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Industrial House Numbers Is it time to replace your house number sign? This project is very simple and easy yet brilliant. It is creative and also a more secure sign that can survive a typhoon. (My old house number was destroyed by a strong one two years ago.) Think this will look good on your facade?
DIY $5.00 Sandblaster
I have been looking at sand and soda blasters for about 6 months. They are either inexpensive and cheap or very well made and expensive! So I decided lets just make one. #DIYtools #workshop #sandblasting
Pinko Jean and denim jackets for Women | Online Sale up to 72% off
Use old jeans to make this Denim Jacket
How to Make the Waist Bigger on Jeans (with Video) |
Shhhh! We won't tell anyone and no one will be able to tell! A quick fix to make tighter jeans a little more comfortable in the waist. This quick sewing trick is easy to learn!
How To: Form-Fitting Drawer-Liners from T-Shirts and Canned Foam - Make:
How-To: Form-Fitting Case-, Drawer-Liners From Old T-Shirts, Canned Foam
Climbing the Willow: tutorial: how to draft an a-line pattern
DIY TUTORIAL: Graphic Tank Top (Stenciling with Freezer Paper). Looking forward to doing this soon!