
38 Pins
Anchor Charts: A Story Map of Learning
Post editing symbols so that students understand teacher corrections and can stay consistent when editing their own writing or peers' writing. Editing Symbols anchor chart
Educational Youtube Channels
The best educational Youtube channels are listed here for students to find a wide variety of subjects to have fun and learn with. Your kids will be learning while watching some of these channels. They are great resources to enrich your lessons. Try some of them out and see for yourself. #kids #activities #videos #learning #Youtube
31 Powerful Conversation Starters for Kids
Looking for fun, thoughtful conversation starters for kids? Learn more about your family through these 31 question prompts and simple topics, perfect for mealtime dinners and practicing social skills. #conversationstarters #parentingadvice
Multiplication Madness – Teacher Trap
This blog post has ideas, resources, and anchor charts for teaching multiplication!
40 Awesome Anchor Charts for Teaching Writing
Your students are going to love these 28 anchor charts for writing! Everything from editing to essay writing gets a boost with these helpful reminders.
16 Reading Strategies to Teach This Year
Reading Strategies - What reading strategies do kids need to know? Organize your instruction with this free chart