
19 Pins
Getting to Know YOU! Back to School Chit Chat Cards FREEBIE
It's the First Day! Now What? Back to School Ideas for Day One!
Get to Know Your Teacher + Get to Know Your Students
These are both great activities to use at the beginning of the year, so students can get to know you, and you get to know them as individuals, as well. They can then be followed up again in the middle or end of the year to show changes, or just for fun!Click {here} to see my blog post about using this item!
Student Interest Survey: Getting to Know Your Students Back to School
Student Interest Survey: Getting to Know Your Students. Get to know your students with a student interest survey. Use it at the beginning of the school year, after breaks, or open house and meet the teacher nights. If you get to meet your students before the next school year, this would be helpful too!
Amazon.com: Back To School Supplies
FREE! Student Survey ~ Interest Inventory #backtoschoolideas
A Literate Life - Anchor Charts
Higher Order questioning for students to ask each other...I wasn't able to find it on the blog, but it's easy to read here. This would be great to copy for reading notebooks!
iAM: Fun All About Me Activity
iAM: Fun All About Me Activity that has the students filling out {free} social media templates
Thank you PTO and students for Teacher Appreciation Week!
Good idea... Have students write thank you notes on petal shapes & turn into a flower... can give to counselor, board members etc. for appreciation.
Classroom Bulletin Board Displays
My students record their own behavior problems for three categories using Post-It Notes. They place their behavior Post-It Notes in the corresponding pocket chart circles. Red = Late to Class. Green = Homework Not Done. Yellow = Classroom Behavior.