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The Vikings/Viking Art - The Jellinge Style
Thyra: The Vikings/Viking Art - The Jellinge Style
Triangular eastern viking hat by Othala Craft. http://www.othalacraft.com/triangle-eastern-hat-for-viking-with-a-motif-from-valsgarde-sweden-p491.html
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Birka inspired embroidery using 3-ply handspun thread on a Skjoldehamn style hood. By Brynja>>this fabric is remarkably like that mystery green stuff I have!
Viking Dragon Outline 2 by vikingtattoo on DeviantArt
Viking Dragon Outline 2 by ~vikingtattoo on deviantART
Viking and Celtic Interlocking Lines Pattern Package - download
celtic norse pattern | www.CarvingPatterns.com
norse embroidery patterns - Google Search
Odin's Ravens Cross Stitch Pattern
Odin's Ravens Cross Stitch Pattern - Depictions of the norse god Odin often show him accompanied by two ravens, named Huginn ("thought") and Muninn ("memory"). Every day, the two birds fly out over the world, and at evening, they return with news of the day's events. This pattern includes not only the two ravens, but also runes, which read: "The Lord Odin is within you; May his blessings be with you." This design measures 193 stitches wide by 180 stitches high. This is a pattern for counted cros
Viking Flash 29 by DarkSunTattoo on DeviantArt
Viking Patterns http://darksuntattoo.deviantart.com/art/Viking-Flash-29-155265376
Viking Flash 8 by DarkSunTattoo on DeviantArt
Norse dragon pattern - I want to turn this into a snake that turns into a vine. This is the one, maybe.
Pimp my panova
viking handcraft, gorgeous embroidery detail in chain stitch. OoOOoOo! I'd love to sew this into a costume someday! So pretty!
Раннесредневековая вышивка 9-10 вв, археология. | Золотошвейная мастерская «Убрус
Great embroidery reconstructions from Viking finds on this page.
Viking kaftan detail. Site has lots of pics of other costume with interesting colour combinations.