3M views · 67K reactions | SUFRES de la MIGRAÑA dolores de cabeza solución con esta RECETA ancestral | By Amor por el Huerto | Less than a minute I will show you how to remove headache and migraine in a patient with this natural recipe we have here the Big VapoRub and we have the oregano I will show you the process step by step so very important here we go to need a little leaf see here how we're going to do it my friends here we have the leaf and this little oregano leaf we're going make look little holes as they manage to appreciate here. You can do it with a fork or you can do it with the knife just like I'm doing it then you need the bigs to the bigs you'll add so to the leaf look you'll throw enough bigs to the whole leaf then you'll take it to the fire if here we have it then we'll add it here look and we'll put it like this to warm a little they're going to leave it here then the leaf is already warm as half warm we'll take to the patient and see it let's put it in the head. Around there you can see you already started how to vape and this is important. Look now when the little leaf starts to see if this is how they manage to appreciate it here it is ready to be able to take it to the patient. So we gonna take the paper and we ain't gonna take it. We'll take the paper and we'll make it comfortable for the patient. But let's hope it cools down a bit because it's very warm right now. Look, here's the one who has the oregano with the bigs coming out and this is going to make her patient take all that headache away. Hopefully it's warm already and we'll get her settled in. How we gonna do it? We're also going to help with a mop like this that you can see around here. We already let it be like warm and look we're going to need three pieces. So let's start by breaking the sheet. We fit one on the patient's forehead. This is how they manage to appreciate around here. We accomodate the part of the leaf here to the patient this way they will do it look and then they will accomodate you the other part here as you manage to see is the simplest way in which you can remove the headache the migraine to your patient they need a mop like this and they're going to cover it we'll cover it this way look we try to tie it to this side we leave it here. Definitive solution for migraine, for headache something very simple, something very natural and economical and efficient. Any questions you can leave it in the comments box. I'll be glad to answer you. I would also like you to leave me the comments where you see us from in the box so I can send you a greeting. See you next video and God bless me.
1.7M views · 18K reactions | Elimina las ojeras y bolsas debajo de los ojos! | Super Remedios
3.6M views · 37K reactions | las Mujeres de 65 años aparenta de 20 porque usan esta crema antiedad ! | Recetas, Remedios y Mas
1.7M views · 4.4K reactions | Lo aprendí de una amiga de la c0smetica, es asombroso | Dilo con Imágenes.
9.3K views · 2.5K reactions | 🔍 Reduce las V@rices en tus piernas con 30 segundos al día ⏱ | 😠 Conoce ahora el remedio natural 🌱 que está cambiando la vida de mujeres VARICES en sus piernas. Hazlo antes de que sea demasiado tarde. ⏰... | By Cuida tu salud | Facebook
1M views · 82K reactions | La verdad es que si hay algo que amo de la #nutricionfuncional es haber conocido y darle el valor a las poderosas #especias.💓 Todas son mis favoritas, porque todas tienen acción en nuestra salud, lo importante es saber cómo y para qué consumirlas. 💞 Te invito a interactuar y me cuentes cuál es tu favorita y por qué ?. 🫚🧄🥰🙏 | Kelly Tovar/Nutricionista Funcional🇨🇴