Tarot Interpretations Combinatons

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Learn the meanings for The Star tarot card from Learn Tarot With Me. This card is sometimes confusing, since it can be interpreted in a few different ways...
The different use of the tarot aces #tarot #aces #aceofpentacles #aceofswords #aceofcups #aceofwands
Learn the meanings for The Hermit tarot card from Learn Tarot With Me. This card indicates solitude and withdrawal - that "going-within" that is so scary and real...
The Fool is the first tarot card in the deck, and the tarot card you encounter on your tarot journey. To learn the meanings of this tarot card (and all the other cards in the deck), visit Learn Tarot With Me.
Learn Tarot Foundations
Tarot readings can be extremely useful in helping you to understand the foundations of your life and how to make the most of what you have been given. However, they can also be very confusing, especially if you don't know much about numerology. This cheat sheet will help you to understand the basics of tarot through the understanding of numerology.
May you swim against the current with courage and determination. #gaiantarot #tarot #gaianblessings
Steampunk Tarot Review, Rating + Card Images
Aces are portals between the realms of the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. They allow powerful, but impersonal forces to come into your life. An Ace is always interpreted as beneficial, positive and life-enhancing. {Ace of Pentacles - The Steampunk Tarot}
Learn the meaning of The Empress tarot card. She's one of the best cards to see if you're looking to have a baby or start a family. This woman KNOWS sensuality and abundance...
Learn the meaning of The Lovers tarot card. This is SUCH a great card to see when you are looking to deepen any relationship in your life - not just romantic ones...