
30 Pins
DIY Cardboard Box Inkle Loom Tutorial
Hearts on Fibre: DIY Cardboard Box Inkle Loom Tutorial
Inkle belts by flufdrax on DeviantArt
Inkle belts by on @DeviantArt
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Burgundy red black and cream hand-woven inkle trim by applegirl5
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Black and white hand-woven inkle trim (over 14 feet)
Spunknit's Strap 11
12-22-17 - Started another key fob strap, cause I wanted some more little gifts. A totally last minute gift idea, but so much fun to make. I didn’t take a picture of the fobs before I wrapped them...
Spunknit's Strap 7
12-2-17 - Finished this today, hubby really likes this one! 11-30-17 - Started another key fob strap. This is all blues except for the weft, because black was on my shuttle and I didn’t thin...
Cream Tan and Brown Hand Woven Inkle Trim over 14 Feet | Etsy
Cream tan and brown hand woven inkle trim over 14 by applegirl5
Resultado de imagen para telares mapuches
My Recent Projects
ASpinnerWeaver: My Recent Projects
Ravelry: Inkle Loom Weavers
Gallery - Weaver Guitar Straps - Play With Color!
This beaded Navajo bracelet purchased in Santa Fe recently inspired a color combination for a guitar strap. #guitar_strap #inkle_weaving #weaverguitarstraps
Guitar Strap "Vibe of the Day"
Usually, I do not put patterns on paper before I set up my loom. I warp and design as I go. The golden sunshine and bright blue skies of the day were reflected in the colors of this guitar strap. I wove it while enjoying myself immensely at the Redwood Mountain Faire in Felton, CA, June of 2014. I called it "Vibe of the Day". ~Annie MacHale
Awesome Bright Colors! Guitar Strap
Awesome Bright Colors! Guitar Strap | Flickr - Photo Sharing!