
35 Pins
Arcadian Home is now Kira Home
Want to be on the trend wave?This is one of our hottest selling lighting fixtures - modern, sleek, fun!
Hemnetgodis i Mölndal + smarta inredningstips för nyproduktion
Gardintricket Var generös med textilierna om du bor i nybyggt. Sätt en gardinskena i taket och fyll en hel vägg med gardiner från golv till tak, från vägg till vägg, även om fönstret är mindre än så. Det dämpar ljudet och skapar en känsla av rymd.
Replace your curtain rods with swing arm rods to open up the room and allow more light in. Windows appear to be bigger than they are, too. L...
How to Preserve Fresh Flowers With Wax
Fresh flowers are beautiful. I sometime buy them to decorate home for some special occasions, such as birthday, anniversaries, graduations, but the biggest problem is that they only last for a few days, and then you probably have to throw them away. I always struggled to find some effective way …
10 easy DIY Artwork Ideas
Genius - Spray Paint Faux Flowers One Color And Attach To A Canvas And Cover With Clear Box Frame
The First Big Reveal: Kitchen - The House of Smiths
Get bigger baseboards without ripping all your old ones out by adding small molding a few inches above and paint wall space in between the same color. This is a cheap way to fix my baseboard problem!!!!
DIY Bed Headboard
cut 18 x18 or larger pieces of plywood, home depot cuts them for you wrapped in fabric remnants
36 Cool DIY Projects for Teen Boys - DIY Projects for Teens
Cool Crafts for Teens Boys and Girls - .Action Figure Lamp for Bedroom Decor - Creative, Awesome Teen DIY Projects and Fun Creative Crafts for Tweens
LED Lighting | Cinier
The Trio LT : a product that combines a high quality LED to a unique lighting design