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68 Pins
Den här affischen kan du använda som stöd i klassrummet för att visa elever hur de kan tänka när de ska skaffa belägg samtidigt som de läser faktatexter för att styrka påståenden och resonemang som de vill visa och presentera.
Persuasion Map
This would be a good visual for any type of essay where evidence or examples are needed.
10 Great Typing Games for Kids
12 Great Free Keyboarding Games to Teach Kids Typing ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
Commas are next in line for writing mini lessons...This looks great! Let's eat Grandpa! Let's eat, Grandpa. Commas can save a life! 2nd Grade Smarty-Arties taught by the Groovy Grandma!: anchor charts
February 2012 – chartchums
Great way to show punctuation marks is usage without the cutesy store-made posters. Kids can do it along with me and then add it to their writer's notebook.
Writing Posters
Download the components of this Writing Goals chart for free! Perfect for my Kindergarten kids this time of year.
FREE TREASURE MAP PRINTABLE~ Great way to teach map skills or kick off a fun, creative writing lesson!
Character [traits] is a journey, not a destination- Bill Clinton
Character traits blog post! Full of great ideas and includes a freebie!