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Malins trädgård och pyssel
Landscaping and Hardscaping
An understated fountain is incorporated into the stairs and path of a paved walkway, creating the element of surprise. A boulder anchors one end of the stream, while at the other end, a basin captures the water, recycling it back to the rock.
Fountain: How to Build a Concrete Fountain
How to Build a Concrete Fountain: Carving stone requires years of training, extraordinary skill and endless patience—or you can cheat and use power tools. -Overview -Selecting a stone -Getting started -Cut, chisel and grind the bowl -Cut the channel -Set the fountain stone
How to Build a Low-Maintenance Water Feature
How to build a pondless "disappearing" garden fountain.
DIY How to Make Water Garden Fountain
DIY How to Make Water Garden Fountain #diy, #garden, #founrain