For My Mind & My Body

I'm have a strict policy of not saving any pins that are triggering, not science based (e.g. 'These foods burn more calories than they contain' humbug), dangerous tips (e.g. lose 10 pounds in a week by doing this), pins which contains harmful phrases such as 'burn fat' 'get rid of leg wiggles', contain unintentionally offensive things (specially culturally, e.g. 'these yoga poses will help you burn major fat'), and just overall health tips and quotes which I find problematic.
956 Pins
For when you want to make some ~mindful~ decisions about what you eat and when.
Eating like a ~healthy person~ has never been easier.
Fitness For Everyone
Along with this workout plan practice some healthy diet in order to fight bloating and stay healthy.
Start A Fire
These mini-challenges you can do at your home and you don’t need any kind of equipment, just a little bit motivation. Clothing: Sports & Outdoors: Men, Women, Boys, Girls & More
Join our Pinterest Fam: @SkinnyMeTea (130k ) ♡ Use 'Pinterest10' for 10% off your order
5 Apps That Will Pay You to Lose Weight
If you want the booty of your dreams you HAVE to try these amazing glute moving exercises. Done in only 7 minutes, its SO fast too!
For when you want to make some ~mindful~ decisions about what you eat and when.
Eating like a ~healthy person~ has never been easier.
For when you want to make some ~mindful~ decisions about what you eat and when.
Eating like a ~healthy person~ has never been easier.
For when you want to make some ~mindful~ decisions about what you eat and when.
Eating like a ~healthy person~ has never been easier.
Zella 'Live In' Mesh Inset Leggings
#yoga #fitspo Weight Training with Butcha N Baka EP #8 "A Look Back"
8 Totally Do-Able Tips For Actually Losing Weight This Year
Here’s How To Actually Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution To Lose Weight
5 habits worth cultivating in 2017, according to a dietitian
5 habits worth cultivating in 2017, according to a dietitian - The Washington Post