
202 Pins
"Demain" Children Book - Vincent Mahé
Pages from the book "Demain" inspired by the documentary of Melanie Laurent and Cyril Dion. A story of a family travelling the planet to meet people that are actually changing the world.Published by Actes Sud Junior in November 2015.
瀬戸内国際芸術祭にいって鬼ヶ島に上陸してみたので絵にまとめてみた(女木島篇) | Web屋が広告業界にきてみた
瀬戸内国際芸術祭にいって鬼ヶ島に上陸してみたので絵にまとめてみた(女木島篇) | Web屋が広告業界にきてみた
Invoice Maker Illustration
Invoice Maker Illustration app uran flat business study work plant laptop computer invoice design office boy man people website web ui character illustration
프로젝트 #02_ 메시지 티 Message Tea : 프로젝트
프로젝트 #02_ 메시지 티 Message Tea : 프로젝트
Рамблер/почта – надежная и бесплатная электронная почта, создать электронную почту с защитой от спама и вирусов
"How to Keep your Resolutions" guide for The NYTs - Abbey Lossing
Illustrations for The New York Times to accompany a guide on how to stick with your New Years resolutions.