
56 Pins
The inside of a cello. [PIC]
Photographs taken from the inside of musical instruments, making them look like large and spacious rooms - the inside of a Cello. is Expired or Suspended.
Love the idea of all the built in possibilities. Window seats, benches, tables, chairs, bookshelves, spice racks, skylights, everything!
Stunning Tiny Earthen Domes at Solscape
Stunning Tiny Earthen Domes at Solscape
30 Free DIY Cabin Plans
30 Free DIY Cabin Plans: Download 30 FREE DIY cabin plans and have your dream getaway location built in no time -
before you take on building your project, start by sculpting yourself a model. You can use clay soil or purchase modelling doesn't matter. Your model will represent the thick walls of whatever system you are actually building with. Make sure your model represents some sort of 1/4" for each foot of the building. This is a passive solar cob house at Earthaven Ecovillage by Steveo Brodmerkel,
41 Creative DIY Hacks To Improve Your Home
An easy and literal bookshelf. | Community Post: 41 Creative DIY Hacks To Improve Your Home
Photo Gallery-Favorite Images –
Beautiful straw bale house - interior of home