My big hobby <3

30 Pins
Hand Font: Lettered Wrapping Paper • A Subtle Revelry
DIY Love Note Wrapping Paper
Extremely cute - Santa wrapped packages. Love these. Flat & no bow; so good for traveling!
This is so clever! Wrap a gift with a pocket for holding the card. Why didn't I think of this? Genius!
20 Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas - Makoodle
Gift wrapping ideas
How to Make a Money Rose
How to make a money me, do it for a wedding. You won't regret it and you will blow everyone's mind even if you can only afford a small arrangement.
Lace-Wrapped Loveliness - Elizabeth Anne Designs: The Wedding Blog
Brown packing paper + lace + ribbon. Beautiful!
Segunda parte - Practicando con...
Mini Bows - easy to follow pictures...& they're really cute!