Artists - Konstnärer

44 Pins
One of Erik Johansson's wonderful photos. His mind must be quite extraordinary ... Love the site - visit it!
Konstnär Ylva Molitor-Gärdsell | Kivik | Österlen | Skåne
gouache av konstnär Ylva Molitor-Gärdsell, Österlen En annan slags gouache-konstnär.
American plein air painter I really like. Working with colours and light the way I aspire to. She teaches classes in the States and worth a glance. Visit her website. En annan konstnär jag tycker om - berättar med färg och ljus!
Amazingly Detailed Portraits Formed From Leftover Trash
Zac Freemans amazing portraits from trash! Visit My Modern Met for more...
Books & Comics — Anders Nilsen
The Game Cover. Anders Nilsen's wonderful art and books. Visit his website...