Art & artists

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Dando a volta
“Dicen que nada dura para siempre, por eso quiero que seas mi nada”. Frida Kahlo
Photograph of Frida Kahlo with her painting, Self-Portrait as a Tehuana, circa 1943, from the Florence Arquin papers, 1923-1985 | Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
* Frida Kahlo with her painting, Self-Portrait as a Tehuana 1943 - photo Florence Arquin
carflopa: Frida Kahlo and Helena Rubenstein.
♀Queerliness is next to Godliness♀
Frida ♥
“The Beloved" (detail), 1865, Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Pre Raphaelite Art: “The Beloved" (detail), 1865, Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Frida Kahlo <3 ultimate bad-ass creative inspiration!
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vintage circus carnival posters - Google Search
Doña Frida de Rivera, nuestra maestra querida nos dice: Vengan muchachos, yo les…