Save the bee

39 Pins
Growing avocados | Sustainable Gardening Australia
Avocado basics. Choosing your tree - varieties for home growing. Planting, pruning, cross pollination and tree care tips. Benefits of avocados. Guacamole Recipe
From Scratch Magazine June/July 2015
From Scratch Magazine June/July 2015 The best resource for the modern homesteader. This issue: Bees! Everything you needed to know about beekeeping.
Winter studies: the foraging honeybee
behavior of foraging bee infographic Short blog - about a 2 minute read, with to the point info.
Share the Buzz about Honey Bees | Whole Foods Market
Here's a simple way to help save the bees!
Bee Art Movement - Act for Bees
Bee Inspired - Infographic
This item is unavailable - Etsy
This Bee Hive is priced with the combination shown - UNASSEMBLED 2 Deep UNASSEMBLED Super 1 Medium UNASSEMBLED Supers (BOTTOM BOARD & Hive Cover SOLD SEPARATELY) The Boxes Read: Bee Yard Etiquette Dont be afraid as no life-loving bee wants to sting you DONT SWAT Dont even thing about #beekeeper
Flowers that Attract Bees for the Best Pollinator Garden
Attract bees and other pollinators to your garden with these flowering perennials. Plant THESE for the BEES.