Sewing vintage

Sewing patterns that is vintage or feel like vintage and also inspiration
116 Pins
1 Section
The dress you wear and how to make it : Rhoe, Mary Jane. [from old catalog] : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Private Site
Free Vintage Knitting Patterns – Stitchcraft August September 1945 – Vintage Knitting Pattern Archive
‎Human Ecology Collection - Collection - UWDC - UW-Madison Libraries
Baldt, Laura Irene / Clothing for women: selection, design, construction; a practical manual for school and home ([1918])
GRATUIT! 45 SUPERBES Patrons Couture Vintage de 1948! FREE Sewing patterns
GRATUIT! 45 SUPERBES Patrons Couture Vintage de 1948! FREE Sewing patterns
This item is unavailable - Etsy
1930's 1940's vintage style light blue denim sailor pants from Etsy -#nautical
1949 hostess gown, p1
1949 hostess gown, p1 | Flickr
1930s Playsuit Patterns
DIY Vintage 1930s Swimsuit / Bathing Suit - FREE Sewing Draft Pattern
1930's Knitting - Sports Plaid Coat and Olympic Suit
The Vintage Pattern Files: 1930's Knitting - Sports Plaid Coat and Olympic Su...