
How to make a mini zipper pouch (free pattern)
Learn how to make a mini zipper boxy pouch with this step-by-step tutorial and free pattern. These small boxy pouches make a great last-minute gift for Christmas, Mother’s day, or Teacher Appreciation Week. Anyway, you can also give a pretty little thing for no occasion at all. Just because! #sewing #zipperpouch
20+ Free Makeup & Cosmetic Bag Patterns
20+ Free Makeup & Cosmetic Bag Patterns - #SewingPatterns #FreePatterns #SewingInspiration #DIYFashion #AnimalSewing #CropTops #BagPatterns #CreativeSewing #AnimalSewing #PlushToyPatterns #DIYAnimalCrafts #SoftToys #HandmadeAnimals #SewingAnimals #FreeSewingPatterns #BudgetSewing #FreeDIYPatterns #SewOnABudget #FreeClothingPatterns #SewingForFree #SewingTops #DIYFashion #TopPatterns #BlouseSewing #HandmadeTops #SewYourStyle #CropTopSewing #TrendyCropTops #DIYCropTops #SewingTrends #SummerSewing #CropTopPatterns #BagPatterns #DIYBags #SewingBags #HandmadeBags #CustomBagDesigns #ToteBagPatterns
Mini Fabric Basket Tutorial
This Mini Fabric Basket Tutorial will help you kick sewing room clutter to the curb. These baskets are the perfect way to tidy up your sewing space. will help you kick sewing room clutter to the curb. These baskets are the perfect way to tidy up your sewing space.
DIY Zippered Box Pouch - diy pouch and bag with sewingtimes
DIY Zippered Box Pouch | Easy way to make cosmetic organizer [sewingtimes]