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~ A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Creations! ~
Wow!: Perseid meteor streaking over the lightpainted double arch in Arches National Park. by tmo-photo on Flickr.
The fiery depths of space: Astronomers capture dazzling rainbow nebula swirling round supergiant star
Standing out: The bright, pinkish-white star at upper left of Orion, known as the hunter, is Betelgeuse. AKA a red supergiant, Betelgeuse is in the last stages of its life; increasing in size and sending its stellar material into space at a tremendous rate. Image credit: ESO
Magical Nature Tour
View of Earth and Moon from Space...stunning!
I Like It As Above So Below...Always On Earth And Space Beyond !... http://samissomarspace.wordpress.com
THE MAJESTIC MESSIER-104 (M-104) SOMBRERO GALAXY 28 million light years from earth and 50,ooo light years across . Photo By: NASA Hubble Space Telescope.
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
The Solar System in action. (animated)
LEGO Simpsons Kwik-E-Mart Unveiled, Consists of 2179-Pieces
International Space Station silhouetted against the moon.
PhotoNet Home
Milky Way Rising. A vertically stitched panorama photo of the Milky Way. By: Tyler Jones
Stuff I used to think . . .
rings of Saturn
BORZUI : Photo
Cassini probe captures Saturn's spectacular aurora. Generally, images of the aurora (equivalent to Earth's‘northern lights’) provide valuable information about the electromagnetic connection between the solar wind, the planet’s magnetic field (magnetosphere) and its upper atmosphere. The Daily Galaxy via Cassini/NASA.