Art Studio

19 Pins
MacArthur Fellow Anna Schuleit & the Whole Sweep of Trying - Gwarlingo
Anna Schuleit's studio - "The different parts of the studio help me to keep moving, like stations along a road."
December Smash Ball in Arizona - Whippy Cake
Nice solid table. industrial workspace / office. bins under the table
Mixed Media Storage - Making Every Inch Count
Paper Storage AND great idea for hanging seasonal yard flags♥
Weaving Studio in Washington by Prentiss Architects
Weaving Studio by Prentiss Architects | CLICK THROUGH. It is a wondrous sight. I'm so jealous-- just the setting alone! ah! Weaving!
Light Box / School Desk
Loving the energy of this light box/school desk. Makes it so much easier to see your art work, especially if you are drawing your designs on transparencies instead of using a printer.
StudioScapes: Chapter 11
I love to see other artist's studios and how they are organized. AND, how they deal with unusual shaped spaces.
Wish to have this room in my home soon.
Sans titre-1
Yaze. Atelier Rue de Belleville, Paris Artists are like goldfish we will fill any space you give us to work...
Creative spaces & paint
“This is the place of creative incubation. At first, you may find nothing happens there. But, if you have a sacred place and use it, take advantage of it, something will happen.” — Joseph Campbell