Muscle anatomy

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Trigger point release is a very common technique in Western massage. A trigger point is a hypersensitive area of the muscle that can cause pain, burning, tingling, restricted range of motion, and weakness. Trigger point release can be very effective for ongoing muscle pain due to overuse, injury, repetitive motion, sports, and disease.
How many muscle knots (trigger points) do you have? Did you know that massage therapy can help relieve trigger point pain?
Muscle Melt Patch
Wrist, Hand, and Finger Pain | Imbue Pain Relief Patch
Muscle Melt Patch
Front and Inner Thigh Pain | QUADRATUS LUMBORUM: This powerful muscle covers most of the lower back and runs from the lowest rib to the top of the pelvis. Its trigger points tend to send pain downward to the hip and buttock area, though it may also spread to the upper frontal thigh. The trigger point at the blue X in this diagram corresponds with the pain pattern indicated by the blue shading, and the red X produces the pain pattern shown by the red shading
trigger point explained with animation
Very cool video explaining trigger points and their effect on the body. Dealing with Trigger Point issues yourself? Call us today to learn more about Dry Needling Trigger Point Therapy 414-858-1363
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Back Pain: What Should You Know?
Muscles of the hip and their actions. Repinned by SOS Inc. Resources @so siu ki Inc. Resources.
RPM Therapy
Trigger points on the tensor fasciae latae muscle, you will have pain down the lateral front thigh and down towards the knee. And in some individuals can extend into the hip and as far down as the calf muscle. Individuals who suffer with active tensor fasciae latae trigger points will have a difficulty in walking at a fast pace. And trigger point pain here is often misdiagnosed with trochanteric bursitis.