18th Century Children’s Fashion

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Barnklänning med laxrosa dekor.
Barnklänning Nättelduk 1775. Swedish Royal Armory Collection Accession Number: 21515 (3784:85)
Child's cap, Norway, second half 18th century. Pink silk taffeta, silver metall lace decoration, cream silk lining, blue striped silk ribbon binding.
Child's cap, Norway, first half 18th century. Silk brocaded with large floral motifs in orange, salmon and white on light brown ground, decorated with metallic lace, orange silk ribbon binding.
Het Geheugen
Infant's jacket, Netherlands, 1775-1780. Cotton with floral motifs, lined with linen.
Child's cap, 1780-1800. Light pink silk satin with a trimming of yellow silk, printed cotton lining, yellow silk ribbon binding.
Infant's cap, Norway, 18th century. Red silk velvet with floral embroidery, red silk ribbon, linen lining.
Infant's cap
Infant's cap possibly French, 18th century France DIMENSIONS Diameter around face: 29 cm (11 7/16 in.) MEDIUM OR TECHNIQUE Embroidery CLASSI...
Infant's bonnet, Norway, 1700-1730. Silk brocades with large floral motifs in cream, red and beige on light brown ground, decorated with a metallic lace on the front border.
Infant's cap, Norway, 1730-1750. Orange silk brocade, decorated with metallic lace, salmon silk ribbon.
Child's cap, Norway, 1740-1800. Cream silk brocade, metall lace decoration, orange silk lining, orange silk ribbon binding.
Child's cap, Norway, 1740-1770. Cream silk brocade embroidered with flower bouquets in multicoloured silk threads, metall lace decoration, red silk ribbon binding.
Barnklänning med laxrosa dekor.
Swedish Royal Armory Collection Accession Number: 21515 (3784:85)
Barnklänning med gröna rosetter.
Barnklänning Nättelduk 1775. Swedish Royal Armory Collection Accession Number: 21517 (3784:87)
Chemise 814614.1
Baby's chemise, 1740-1760, undyed linen plain weave with gusset under arm and side of skirt with straight sleeves. Hand swen with linen thread. Dudmaston © National Trust / Claire Reeves
Sammlung Online Nationalmuseum
Suit ( boy ), Zurich, 1780, Consisting of white pants and sleeves vest. Cotton, knitted. 1780.