
173 Pins
Св.архангел Михаил (холст,масло) - художник Ядвига Сенько
Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
Bessie Peace Gutman - Уснувший ангел
Cherubim - Perfect Knowledge is Theirs!
Cherubim;supposed to be some sort of angel like creature with 4 heads
Васнецов Виктор Михайлович. Серафимы
Васнецов Виктор Михайлович. Серафины
~ PetitPoulailler.com ~
Reading "Dante's Inferno" was a nightmare. This handy chart may be better than Cliff Notes!
I'm actually a bird.
Hierarchy of Angels: The Nine Choirs of Heaven - failmacaw. The tiered heavens that we do not know about, as there is no such thing as angels. Welcome to night Vale.:
Angels! Angels everywhere!
Angels! Angels everywhere!, hellotoxoplasma: Light by HFesbra
This item is unavailable - Etsy
The Seven Archangels - Angelic Sigil Pendant. - Actually these are their names written in angelic writing.