Green Beauty

130 Pins
Body Sugaring Recipes For Hair Removal: { Legs | Armpits }
Another Pinner Says: "Ok, so I am repining this because I just tried it and it actually works well. It doesn't hurt as bad as waxing and it's WAY better than shaving. I made it in the microwave and the directions say 2 min, but I did it for 3. It has lots of bubbles when cooking and it is almost completely clear when its done. Absolutely love it and SUPER CHEAP!! (Also I used an old t-shirt as strips) Good luck!"
beauty insider: THE DIY PROTEIN PACK for SO SHINY, SUPER-STRONG hair | bellamumma
Softer, longer hair? Coconut oil will do wonders. 2 spoonfuls of coconut oil, heat up in a bowl for 30 seconds, massage in to scalp, then apply it into your hair, leave it on for about an hour and a half. Wash your hair by shampooing, then conditioning, then shampooing again. Notice you will have softer, healthier hair. Do this once a week for healthy long hair.
Every Day Princess
How to get your hair really shiny. Course sea salt and your favorite shampoo, thats it! Mix 5 part course sea salt and 4 part shampoo. For anyone who wants shiny hair, I recommend this!!!
Time-Warped Beauty
another pinner: I learned from a friend of mine who is well known fashion model. She told me to mix lemon juice and egg white together and put it on my face as a mask. Let it dry and then rinse it off with warm water. I did this every sunday, after doing this my skin was less oily, The breakouts became non existent and all the acne scars were gone.
Dry, Cracked Cuticles? Here’s a Great DIY Cuticle Butter Recipe | Aromatic Wisdom Institute | Essential Oil Education | Aromatherapy Certification | Liz Fulcher
The Ultimate Anti-Wrinkle Essential Oil Blend
This Is The Only Homemade Hand Scrub You'll Ever Need
Hand scrub - kind of like MaryKay's Satin Hands...only cheaper! GREAT GIFT IDEA! - make, put in mason jar, tie with bow, add a tag! | The official home for all things Disney
14 beauty-ful uses for Vaseline.
DIY Shrink #Pores Mask Recipe: This one is my favorite: ultra-easy to do, ultra-efficient, and it smells good!
DIY Shrink #Pores Mask Recipe: This one is my favorite: ultra-easy to do, ultra-efficient, and it smells good!
You will surprised to see all the makeup that is left in the water. How to properly clean your makeup brushes. (a tablespoon of white vinegar in a cup of hot water, and a 20 minute soak, followed by a hot, then cold rinse and pat dry will do it. Disinfects, dissolves grease/makeup, leaves no film, and inexpensive.)