Bivänlig trädgård/bee friendly Garden

Skapa en livfull trädgård med en massa surrande genom att plantera bi-vänliga blommor. Växter som blommar under olika tider och som har rikligt med pollen. Gör din trädgård färgstark - bin älskar blått, lila, vitt och gult .
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 · Last updated 2y
a bum is sitting on some purple flowers
A real treat for bees - Salvia
pink flowers are blooming on the tree
Prunus triloba - flowering almond
Prunus triloba - This plant has several seasons of interest throughout the year, so it makes it a great choice for the smaller garden. It is a piucture in early spring, when its bare branches are laden with clear pink bowl-shaped flowers. These are soon followed by rich green leaves, which have a slightly paler reverse, and later still (from midsummer to autumn rounded red fruits appear.
a garden with lots of flowers and plants growing on the side of it's wall
Bee keeping with pretty hive | Plant & Flower Stock Photography:
= Beehive in beautiful spring garden with bee friendly attracting plants, including Nepeta
some very pretty blue flowers in the grass
Eryngium × zabelii 'Jos Eijking' - sea holly
Eryngium × zabelii 'Jos Eijking' (PBR) - This delightful sea holly has long lasting, flowers that arrive in mid- to late summer, turning bright metallic-blue as they age and usually lasting well into the autumn. They have a strong architectural shape, so are best in uncrowded borders where they can really stand out on their own. Honey bees love their flowers so they are a perfect for adding to a sunny, wildlife-friendly garden.
there are many different types of plants in boxes on the wall
8 Stylish Bug Boxes
Bug Hotels as Garden Art via Sunset Magazine
white flowers with green leaves in the background
Pulmonaria 'Sissinghurst White' - lungwort
Pulmonaria 'Sissinghurst White' - Delicate, pure-white, funnel-shaped flowers in early spring and white-spotted, bright-green leaves. This dainty pulmonaria is perfect for shady areas. One of the first to flower, it looks lovely alongside miniature daffodils. Best in a soil that remains moist over summer, since mildew can take hold if the roots dry out.
some white flowers with green leaves on a branch
Helleborus × sahinii 'Winterbells (PBR)' - hellebore
Helleborus × sahinii 'Winterbells' - A new hybrid form (Helleborus niger x Helleborus foetidus) that is famed for its incredibly long flowering period - often from early winter to spring. It is pretty too, with nodding pink-flushed green flowers that top slender stems. Great for the woodland floor, or underplanting shrubs and trees in partially shaded borders.
purple flowers with green leaves in the background
Pulmonaria saccharata 'Mrs Moon' - lungwort
Lungwort Pulmonaria saccharata Mrs Moon - excellent for ground cover and popular with pollinators
purple flowers and green plants in the garden
This combination of Agastache and Persicaria amplexicaulis will add structure and late summer impact to your garden, whilst providing an excellent source of nectar for bees and butterflies
purple flowers with green leaves in the foreground
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Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' - A useful plant for the edge of a shady border, ajuga also makes good groundcover as it soon knits together to form an evergreen carpet. This one has multi-coloured, evergreen foliage with wine red splashes and cream margins and dense, upright spires of deep blue flowers in spring. Tolerates sun or shade and poor soils, but does not like to dry out.
purple and white flowers are in the middle of green grass with other plants behind them
echinacea magnus
Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' and Verbena bonariensis 'Lollipop' - Summer 2011 - both great for a bee friendly garden