
67 Pins
There must be a seed somewhere in my workshop because these are getting difficult to count. My excuse is that many of these are in quite poor shape. Some will also be sold. The smallest one is a unidentified little axe which I've grown quite fond of. It's light and fits into my toolbox and is quite competent for smaller work. The favourites are the Agdor which is a Swedish Hults Bruk brand and the German Ochsenkopf which has a inexcusably ugly handle made by myself but is a wonderful perform...
Going to get two spoons out of this hornbeam crook. #handmade #craft #nature #spoons
Hans Karlsson Sloyd Axe
Hans Karlsson Sloyd Axe. This is a wood carving and shaping axe made by Hans Karlsson. A well made tool that will last a lifetime.
‪New video on my YouTube channel (link in bio) I filmed with talented spoon carver Adam Hawker #carving #woodwork #crafts‬
Axing spoons
Little viking axe and Gransfors wildlife hatchet
Axes, adzes and reamers -
Axes by Nic Westermann. Not only is he a talented blacksmith but he's a nice guy too. Don't you just hate people like that?
Axe handles part 2 - geometry -
Making axe handles WRITEUP
Tim Stevenson axe mask at Bodger's Ball 2013. Photographed by Sean Hellman.
Gränsfors Two-Lugged Beard Axe - Gränsfors Bruk
Gränsfors Two-Lugged Beard Axe ... no 503 ... the replica is based on an 11th-century axe found in Gothem on the island of Gotlan, Sweden