
497 Pins
Worst day of the week is over. I had a really hard time getting up this morning haha. Here is my weekly spread. There are a lot more tasks on it now. Busy week! How is your week? 💙 • • • • #journal #handlettering #weeklyspread #bujo #bulletjournal #plannergirl #showmeyourplanner #january #lastweek #lists #meals #blue #watercolor #posca #crayola
How To Keep A Clean Home
How To Keep A Clean Home. Use these simple lists to break down cleaning in your home into daily, weekly, & monthly tasks to make it less stressful when trying to get it all done. Breaking down cleaning helps me to feel more accomplished with less stress and allows me to stay organized and give me more time to myself instead of being overwhelmed by all that needs to be done around the house. Cleaning Tips, Daily Cleaning, Clean Home, Monthly Cleaning, Cleaning Lists, Cleaning Schedule, Self Improvement.
This 15-Minute Weekday Cleaning Routine Is Enough So That You Don’t Have to Clean on the Weekend
47 Out of this world galaxy and space themed bullet journal spreads | My Inner Creative
47 Out of this world galaxy and space themed bullet journal spreads | My Inner Creative
Loving this month's habit tracker so far 😊 • The 31st day bothers me because no matter how you divide the days it doesn't fit right 😂 • • •…
Nikki Darling
Household cleaning schedule. Still seems like a lot, but I suppose once you get each room clean, it's just a matter of keeping up with it.