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stephenstimson housing
STEPHEN STIMSON ASSOCIATES | WOODLAND RESIDENCE lighting the plants, beautiful shadow on the wall.
50 Modern Garden Design Ideas to Try in 2024
Contemporary Garden Design Residential Garden Design Portfolio from
Alles over tuinieren en de tuin - vtwonen NL
2x #Bijvoet #Artemisia #ludoviciana ‘Silver Queen’ -- 2x #Morgensterzegge #Carex #grayi -- 2x #Kerrieplant #Helichrysum #italicum 1x -- #Lampenpoetsersgras #Pennisetum #viridescens 3x -- #Jzerhard #Verbena #bonariensis 1x -- #Prachtriet #Miscanthus #sinensis ‘ #Adagio’ 1x -- #Prachtriet #Miscanthus #sinensis ‘ #Silberfeder’
Photo - Paver Mow Strip
Mow strips can be made from any solid material used to separate the lawn from a planting bed. They allow a law mower to trim the grass all the way to edge of the lawn without having to use a string trimmer. Mow strips are usually made from concrete but can also be made from pavers