Getting Wired.

Jewelry and other things made of metal wire.
314 Pins
Originální česká výroba | Simira handmade obchod
kočičí šperkovnice šperkovnice dáma na šperky
Rain Cloud Hanging Decoration | Earth Balance Craft
Le coeur gros comme ça!
Contente de savoir que c'était une belle journée pour toi. Pourquoi dis tu que tu n arrives pas t imaginer que je sois seule. Je te souhaite une bonne nuit bisous
HDmall: Pengiriman Obat & Booking Klinik | HDmall
Instagram media by paperandwood_ - Getting ready for tonights wire bird tutorial, looking forward to it! 2 spaces have come available so if you are in London and fancy it tonight please head over to @indytute's website and snap them up :) #tutorial #wire #sculpture #bird #3d #modeling #robin #wren #sparrow #hummingbird #silhouette #outline #drawing #design #illustration #pencil #workshop #craft #create #making #skill #nature #love #wildlife
Ptáček červený - zápich
Ptáček červený - zápich
Introduction to Wirework – Easy DIY Wire Earrings – Golden Age Beads Blog
If you’re new to wirework, this is a fun and easy technique that you can use to create some beautiful pieces of jewelry and accessories. It really is amazing what you make with a little wire, a few…