
188 Pins
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Driftwood decor, drfitwood lamps, driftwood mobiles, driftwood fish, fish made from drfitwood, wooden heart t-light, drfitwood heart shaped bowl, seaside gifts and decorative items including driftwood heart wreaths, driftwood mirrors, driftwood hanging mobile, driftwood lamps and driftwood art for sale.
Artist Portfolios and Artist Websites. Art Exhibitions and Art Galleries in London and United Kingdom.
Shirley Vauvelle
Hand Carved Craft Tools
Sorazora Blog: Hand Carved Craft Tools: Rigid heddle, weaving needles, shuttles, a spindle, and Viking lucets for making cordage.
oh wow it's made of beads....how creative and the outcome is stunning...I dont think I'll make it ever but what an idea!
Altoids Gift Tins
junk: Altoids Gift Tins tutorial is here http://kbatsel.blogspot.com/2011/02/tutorial-altered-altoid-tin.html