
277 Pins
17 Sections
Real-time slip trailing video. A close up, applying 'pine' dots to a white surface. Process by Hannah Billingham
How to throw a swirly vase
How to throw a swirly vase Follow @oldforgecreations for more! #pottery #clay #kilnfolk #ceramic #ceramics #contemporaryceramics #handmade #handmadepottery #createmakeshare #wheelthrown #wheelthrowing #potteryvideo #satisfying #satisfyingvideos #oddlysatisfying #swirly #spiral #wheelthrownpottery #Potterywheel
One-of-a-kind Handmade Porcelain Mugs and Ceramic Art in Colorado
Slip Texture Hammerly Ceramics
Inspiration for BCBG Resort 2016
How to use a pipette ❤️
How to use a pipette ❤️ ••• Follow @vagabonde.creation for more!