Movie fever

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Why I love Pride & Prejudice
-What do you recommend to encourage affection? -Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable.
Lions do not lose sleep over the opinions of Sheep
I always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself. Dead Poets Society
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I love Dead Poet's Society!
Dying of cute
Dead Poets Society...I remember crying like a baby when I saw this.
The Best Movie Lines
Catch Me If You Can. See, this is the reason I don't think I could ever be a Fed. I see gray areas; I don't think I'd be capable of putting a man as smart and talented as Frank Abagnale, Jr. behind bars. I don't mean that I couldn't catch him, necessarily, though I probably couldn't - I mean that I wouldn't want such a extraordinary human being in prison at all.
Consuming Our Attention
the ahh haaa moment of the film, well mine at least.... love me some Leo though.
dead poets society - quote - movie - robin williams
charming life pattern: dead poets society - quote - movie - robin william...
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Love this, really shows how Disney has grown :). If this were made a few decades ago he probably would have said "fate."