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Sneak Peek: Garden Design Magazine's Wild Gardens - Gardenista
READER PHOTOS! Roger & Mary's garden in California - Fine Gardening
(Front driveway: Pennisetum orientalis, Pennisetum setaceum Rubrum, Stipa tenuissima, Lavandula Provence, Stipa gigantea)
Grasses > Stipa gigantea
Stipa gigantea - very beautiful, tall but see-through grass, 2m, flowers May until winter
All Grasses [*] - The Plantsman's Preference
Near the Foundry garden centre. The Plantsman preference nursery. Elymus hispidus
Agropyron - Elymus magellanicus - Une ravissante graminée bleue
Elymus magellanicus - Agropyron
Variegated Ribbon Grass Is a Fast Grower That Can Fill Empty Spots in No Time
Variegated ribbongrass is a perfect plant for adding a dose of color anywhere you don't want to maintain; it's a fast-spreading variety perfect for covering slopes and other areas. It earned iVariegated ribbongrass thrives in just about every garden situation from full, hot sun to shade. (In shade, it spreads a lot more slowly.) It also doesn't mind wet or dry soil.
Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass PFAF Plant Database
Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass
Richters Product Listing
Sweetgrass Hierochloe odorata Uses: Medicinal/Aromatic Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 3-9) Also known as holy grass, sweetgrass is considered one of the four sacred herbs of the First Nations and is used in traditional ceremonies to promote peace and healing. The sweet vanilla scent is produced by the chemical coumarin, and it thought to evoke a calm, meditative relaxation. The fragrance of this grass can be used to scent everything from linen closets to candles and bath salts wi
Hasselört - Dax att skörda frön!
Skogstorpet Trädgårdsdesign [Gardendesign - Landscaping]: Hasselört - Dax att skörda frön!