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Hekate (Hecate) and serpents We encounter Hecate when the paths of our lives converge and we are uncertain which direction to follow. Knowing the cycles and their triune phases of birth, death and rebirth the lunar goddess represents life transitions. She appears on the threshold of change as women enter new phases of their lives. During transition
Theispas - Wikipedia
Depiction of the Araratian god Teisheba. Erebouni Fortress Museum: Yerevan, Armenia
Carl Jung and "Aion."
Aion: a lion-headed, snake-encircled Mithraic God-image of time (also called Kronos or Deus Leontocephalus) who for Jung represented death/rebirth and a psychological union of opposites like light …
Ancient to Medieval (And Slightly Later) History — Roman Magic Abraxas Amulet, 2nd-3rd Century AD...
Ancient to Post-Medieval History — Roman Magic Abraxas Amulet, 2nd-3rd Century AD...
ahura mazda | AHURA MAZDA | Flickr - Photo Sharing! as depicted at the museum of Perseopolis. Note resemblance to later Egyptian gods.
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Oannes by the tree of life, above, the god Ashur Apkallu (fish) at the tree of life, and under the symbol of Assur. Assyria, s VII AEC - Joseph Campbell "The Masks of God" The term Ahura was also known by the Indians, who pronounced Asura. Are the Iranians who transformed the original "s" in "h".
Azoth - Pesquisa Google An image of a deity from ancient Europe interpreted through medieval lenses?