Computing & Technology

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How to Manually Update Your Google Chromebook: The Google Chromebook is going to be a popular item for the holiday season. And if you received one, you’ll definitely wan to make sure you keep it updated. By default each time you turn on your Chromebook, the system automatically checks for updates and applies what it finds. But you might want to manually […]
New York’s Smart IDs Are the Latest Mass Surveillance Nightmare
With a chip that can track your every move, New York’s city-issued ID cards are about to take a seriously dystopian turn.
Your Wi-Fi Needs to Be Great Right Now. Get a Mesh Router.
Google offers low-cost mesh networking routers that will make your Wi-Fi run smoother in all the nooks and crannies of your house.
Delete These Android Adware Apps Hiding on Your Phone
If you have any of these 15 sneaky apps on your Android device, it’s time to go on a digital hunt and delete them. According to Sophos, these adware apps are doing everything they can to hide themselves on your device and inject crappy advertising into everything you do—and more than 1.3 million devices worldwide have at least one of these apps installed.
Malware That Spits Cash Out of ATMs Has Spread Across the World
A joint investigation between Motherboard and the German broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) has uncovered new details about a spate of so-called “jackpotting” attacks.
Why Google’s End of Life Policy for Chromebooks Isn’t a Big Deal: So, there you have it. I just don’t feel that a 5 year End of Life Policy is a big deal. Over the next five years I feel most Chromebook users, current and first time, will explore, expand and upgrade regardless of the EOL. That’s just my opinion, for what it’s worth. Either way, I hope this has opened your mind a little to a few of many reasons behind the policy.
7 Cybersecurity Threats That Can Sneak Up on You: From rogue USB sticks to Chrome extensions gone wild, here is a quick guide to some basic risks you should look out for.
America’s Answer to Huawei: The Pentagon is relying on U.S. commercial carriers to help win the 5G race against China.
The Next Internet Health Report Will Zoom in on ‘Solutions’: We’re happy to say that exploring ‘“what can be done” will now be the Internet Health Report’s main purpose.
How to Boost Volume on a Chromebook Beyond Max: Enjoying music or movies on your Chromebook, but finding things a bit quiet? Here's how to boost your Chromebook's volume beyond its max. Is your Chromebook not loud enough? It’s a common problem across many of these laptops, including some of the best Chromebooks out there today like the Asus Flip C302.
Everything you wanted to know about data breaches and privacy violations — and what to do if you think you’ve been hacked: The hacker also stole the names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, credit scores and other financial data, Capital One said.
Update Google Chrome Browser to Patch New Critical Security Flaws
Google has released Chrome 77.0.3865.90 web browser to patch one critical and three high-risk security vulnerabilities.
Two Widely Used Ad Blocker Extensions for Chrome Caught in Ad Fraud Scheme
Two widely installed Adblocker extensions for Chrome, posing as — AdBlock and uBlock Origin — have been caught "stuffing cookies" into millions of web browsers to fraudulently generate affiliate income.
How To Tell If That Phone Call From Social Security, The IRS Or Google Is A Scam: It probably is. “Under the FTC’s Telemarketing Sales Rule, it’s unlawful to place any sales call that delivers a prerecorded message, unless you have the consumer’s permission,” Barlow said, noting that permission must be given in writing. That goes for sales calls to numbers on the Do Not Call Registry as well. And if you do give permission to be contacted, it must be in the manner originally disclosed.
Talk to People on the Telephone
Why Phone Conversations Are Better Than Texting: The phone call is dead, long live the phone call. Americans spend more time texting than on phone calls these days, and it’s the most popular form of communication for Americans under 50, my colleague Julie Beck reported in 2018. That’s a mistake, argues Amanda Mull. And phone conversations, she argues, are freeing. “Chatting on the phone provides the bliss of unreviewable, unforwardable, unsearchable speech.”