14th century

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knight athlete par excellence medieval pinerolo 1398
The knight is the athlete par excellence of medieval times. Miniaturist active in Pinerolo, Cash reliquary of Saints Benedict and Tiberius, from 1398 to 1404. Painted wood and wrought iron coats of arms of the family Cacherano. Abbey of Santa Maria di Pinerolo Palazzo Madama
Moda femminile nella seconda metà del XIV secolo
Parigi, Biblioteca nazionale, Ofiziolo Ms. Lat. 757, f.373, Sant’Orsola e le compagne, 1380. La miniatura riproduce una notevole varietà di vesti e acconciature trecentesche. La seconda figura femminile da sinistra ha un particolare tipo di acconciatura di perle che veniva detta
Jesse Hurlbut on Twitter
Various hoods & headwear. Christine de Pisan. Le Livre des trois vertus. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Départment des manuscrits, NAF 25636, fol. 2v.
Project Complete: Late 14th Century Transitional Open Hood
Project Complete: Late 14th CenturyTransitional Open Hood | The Compleatly Dressed Anachronist
A ca 1340 French pouch
French pouch from ca 1340, embroidered in silk and metal thread, with a lovely row of tassels. It measures approx. 15, 5 * 14,5 cm, height with tassels 21 cm. Wawel cathedral, Krakow, Poland.
Purse with Two Figures under a Tree, 14th C French, Embroidery in silk and metal thread
Pouch (Forel) | French | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pouch, 14th century France, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession Number: 46.156.34a–e
Посуда и столовые приборы, 14-15 век.
Terra Teutonica 1360-1440's photos – 73 albums
Sammlung Online Nationalmuseum
Kassette. Ortswappen. Schriften-oder Schmucklade, dessen Aussenseite mit Pergament überzogen ist. Buchenholz, bemalt. 1300 - 1400. Masse: Höhe 12.7 cm, Breite 38.5 cm, Tiefe 23.3 cm. (LM-16049.1-2)
St. Thomas guild - medieval woodworking, furniture and other crafts
St. Thomas guild - medieval woodworking, furniture and other crafts: May 2015