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Now all I can do is lay in my room, fall asleep, dream of you, then wake up and do nothing about it.
Kenyon Salo - The "James Bond Of Motivational Speaking"
Yes but I have no idea how to ask if he feels the same way. And if the answer is no, it will devastate me.
"One day...I am going to wake up and kiss the love of my life." ~Perfect faith that love will find you. Keep your eyes & heart open to find love the Peeksi.com way ♡
A Drop in the Ocean - Ron Pope
As much as I hate to say it, were we end up in the f... ik it and im sorry. i really feel like i should go to provo to hair school. im almost done applying there.. i really hope u get accepted to idaho bc it would be perfect for you. and congrats at CUA! i miss you and wish the best for you. keep your head up bc ur face is too handsome. i love you