
254 Pins
40K views · 465 reactions | 만병통치 퍼터연습 @lydiakimgolf #골프 #골퍼 #골프스윙 #골프존 #조이마루#골프존레드베터아카데미 #GLA #golf #골프스타그램 #golfer #golfswing #swing #퍼터#솟게임#숏게임레슨 #lesson #golflesson #shortgame#퍼팅드릴# 퍼팅운동#퍼팅훈련#선수코치#klpgatour #klpgacoach #kpgaputting #퍼팅연습 #퍼팅연습방법 #선수퍼팅연습 #골프레슨 | 🌸맨즈라이프ㅣ체크 디자이너ㅣ보약레슨 영상 | lydiakimgolf · Original audio
40K views · 465 reactions | 만병통치 퍼터연습 @lydiakimgolf #골프 #골퍼 #골프스윙 #골프존 #조이마루#골프존레드베터아카데미 #GLA #golf #골프스타그램 #golfer #golfswing #swing #퍼터#솟게임#숏게임레슨 #lesson #golflesson #shortgame#퍼팅드릴# 퍼팅운동#퍼팅훈련#선수코치#klpgatour #klpgacoach #kpgaputting #퍼팅연습 #퍼팅연습방법 #선수퍼팅연습 #골프레슨 | 🌸맨즈라이프ㅣ체크 디자이너ㅣ보약레슨 영상 | lydiakimgolf · Original audio
7.3K views · 801 reactions | #consejosgolf #golfteacher #golftips #golfbiodynamics #golfswag | Victor Andreu Jimenez | andreugolf · Original audio
7.3K views · 801 reactions | #consejosgolf #golfteacher #golftips #golfbiodynamics #golfswag | Victor Andreu Jimenez | andreugolf · Original audio
5.1K views · 526 reactions | Got a minute? Try this to start your day. All it takes is one minute every morning and you’ll see a huge difference - you can thank me later. #DailyMobility #Mobility #Golf #1MinuteWorkout #Time #Workout #Stretch #Stretch #Flexibility #Mobility #GolfExercise #GolfMobility #Golfer #GolfDrill #GolfSwing | Cody Wescott - Golf Performance Coach | carneyval · Beautiful Things x A Bar Song (Tipsy)
5.1K views · 526 reactions | Got a minute? Try this to start your day. All it takes is one minute every morning and you’ll see a huge difference - you can thank me later. #DailyMobility #Mobility #Golf #1MinuteWorkout #Time #Workout #Stretch #Stretch #Flexibility #Mobility #GolfExercise #GolfMobility #Golfer #GolfDrill #GolfSwing | Cody Wescott - Golf Performance Coach | carneyval · Beautiful Things x A Bar Song (Tipsy)
63K views · 1.1K reactions | 오른손목 움직임을 보면 몸이 회전하는 방향과 반대 입니다 그렇게 되야 클럽 헤드가 뒤로 돌아서 둘러치는 스윙을 하게 됩니다 #김남기프로#힌지스틱 | 김남기프로 | nam_ki_pro · Original audio
63K views · 1.1K reactions | 오른손목 움직임을 보면 몸이 회전하는 방향과 반대 입니다 그렇게 되야 클럽 헤드가 뒤로 돌아서 둘러치는 스윙을 하게 됩니다 #김남기프로#힌지스틱 | 김남기프로 | nam_ki_pro · Original audio
3.6K views · 187 reactions | Over the top vs inside | Patrick Kelley Golf | patrickkelleygolf · Original audio
3.6K views · 187 reactions | Over the top vs inside | Patrick Kelley Golf | patrickkelleygolf · Original audio
16K views · 467 reactions | It's probably the hardest swing flaw to fix! There are 3️⃣ primary factors that help you avoid early extension ⬇️ 1️⃣ lead leg movement (allow the hips to clear and weight will get to the lead heel) 2️⃣ chest lowers over the ball tilting the torso downward 3️⃣ plane ✈️ needs to be shallow enough to match this, if you’re too steep you’ll jam the club into the ground ❌ #ealryextension #golftips #golfcourse #golfswingcoach #golftime #golfpractice #instagolf #golfstagram #golfvideo #golfdrills | LUKE BENOIT | Earth, Wind & Fire · September
16K views · 467 reactions | It's probably the hardest swing flaw to fix! There are 3️⃣ primary factors that help you avoid early extension ⬇️ 1️⃣ lead leg movement (allow the hips to clear and weight will get to the lead heel) 2️⃣ chest lowers over the ball tilting the torso downward 3️⃣ plane ✈️ needs to be shallow enough to match this, if you’re too steep you’ll jam the club into the ground ❌ #ealryextension #golftips #golfcourse #golfswingcoach #golftime #golfpractice #instagolf #golfstagram #golfvideo #golfdrills | LUKE BENOIT | Earth, Wind & Fire · September
⛳️Golfer Kyuri(JY Yom)💙 on Instagram: "🏌️‍♀️I used to have a habit of leaning forward in my swing, but I really worked hard to fix it! I brought the club back shallower before impact, and the ball was connecting so well! 🤩 🤓The only problem? I’m worried I might forget it all tomorrow! 😅 I guess I need a memory coach for golf too!😝 임팩트전 샬로윙해서 채를 조금 뒤로 눕혀 들어오니깐 스피드도 더 붙고 볼이 더 잘 맞네요. 🤩 어찌 전 매일 매일 느낌이 틀리고 매 스윙이 틀린지 😂 저만 이런가유? #swingimprovement #golfaddict #golfbabes #golfgirl #golftip #golfpractice #golfswing #golfstagram #골프치는여자 #골프연습 #골프팁 #골프스윙"
68K views · 236 reactions | Chasing Aces Traveling Golf Club on Reels | Yves V · WOW
68K views · 236 reactions | Chasing Aces Traveling Golf Club on Reels | Yves V · WOW
76K views · 166 reactions | Sau IMFACT, các bạn hãy đưa tay ra sau cơ thể, hướng mặt gậy ra ngoài cơ thể nhé! #GolfzonThainguyen #Golfzon #Golf3d #huongdanchoigolf #ThaiNguyencity | Golfzon Thái Nguyên | Golfzon Thái Nguyên · Original audio
76K views · 166 reactions | Sau IMFACT, các bạn hãy đưa tay ra sau cơ thể, hướng mặt gậy ra ngoài cơ thể nhé! #GolfzonThainguyen #Golfzon #Golf3d #huongdanchoigolf #ThaiNguyencity | Golfzon Thái Nguyên | Golfzon Thái Nguyên · Original audio
56K views · 419 reactions | Fix Your Flat Shoulder Plane Do you stand up in your backswing? Do you struggle to keep your posture? If so, we’ve got you! The arrow drill will encourage you to maintain spine angle throughout your swing, producing more consistency on the golf course! #golffitness #golf #golflife #golfswing #golfstagram #golfing #pga #golfer #pgatour #golftips #instagolf #golflessons #golftraining #golfpractice #fitness #golfshot #golfclub #golfers #golfaddict #mobility #golftime #golfisfun #golfinstruction #golfworkout #golfcourse #juniorgolf #golfcoach #collegegolf #golfdigest #golfpro | Sam Druce | Elvis Drew · Where Are You?
56K views · 419 reactions | Fix Your Flat Shoulder Plane Do you stand up in your backswing? Do you struggle to keep your posture? If so, we’ve got you! The arrow drill will encourage you to maintain spine angle throughout your swing, producing more consistency on the golf course! #golffitness #golf #golflife #golfswing #golfstagram #golfing #pga #golfer #pgatour #golftips #instagolf #golflessons #golftraining #golfpractice #fitness #golfshot #golfclub #golfers #golfaddict #mobility #golftime #golfisfun #golfinstruction #golfworkout #golfcourse #juniorgolf #golfcoach #collegegolf #golfdigest #golfpro | Sam Druce | Elvis Drew · Where Are You?
14K views · 368 reactions | In honor of Jon Rahm’s return to the winner’s circle.. Use one of your long irons if it’s your first time trying this drill, and gradually work your way to shorter irons to increase the difficulty This is a great golf drill that you can do every day from the comfort of your own home Please share this post if you think other golfers will find it valuable ⛳️ #golfdrills #separation #golfmobility | Fairway Golf Fitness | Dr. Dre · Still D.R.E. (Instrumental)
14K views · 368 reactions | In honor of Jon Rahm’s return to the winner’s circle.. Use one of your long irons if it’s your first time trying this drill, and gradually work your way to shorter irons to increase the difficulty This is a great golf drill that you can do every day from the comfort of your own home Please share this post if you think other golfers will find it valuable ⛳️ #golfdrills #separation #golfmobility | Fairway Golf Fitness | Dr. Dre · Still D.R.E. (Instrumental)
151K views · 658 reactions | Chasing Aces Traveling Golf Club on Reels
51K views · 243 reactions | Chasing Aces Traveling Golf Club on Reels | Tony Dark Eyes · I Like It
37K views · 2.7K reactions | Legendary coach Pete Cowen lays down how to use your HIPS right. Pay close attention here 👀 —- #golfdigest #golfersofinstagram #golfr #golfgods #golflesson #instagolfer #golfpractice #golflove #golfcourses #golfclubs #golflesson #juniorgolf #golftips #golfmemes #golftournament #golfinglife #golffitness #golflovers #golfgram #slice #pgatour #golf #golfswing #longdrive #lpga #skills | Golf Hackz
10K views · 1.2K reactions | Legendary coach Pete Cowen lays down how to use your HIPS right. Pay close attention here 👀 —- #golfdigest #golfersofinstagram #golfr #golfgods #golflesson #instagolfer #golfpractice #golflove #golfcourses #golfclubs #golflesson #juniorgolf #golftips #golfmemes #golftournament #golfinglife #golffitness #golflovers #golfgram #slice #pgatour #golf #golfswing #longdrive #lpga #skills | Golf Hackz | Adam Griffith · Knockout
54K views · 2.1K reactions | I came across this old clip of me explaining the roll of the right arm (or trail arm) through the ball. For many students I work with the trail arm wants to power hard from the top and reaches full length far too soon. I’d much prefer see the full system driving the motion from the top as the trail arm gets transported into the hitting area where it then can act in more of a throwing motion. Much like the old “skipping a rock”, although the movement patterns aren’t exactly the same. Learn how the right hand, wrist, and arm couples with the pivot and you’ll own a better golf swing! After all, for most of you, that’s your dominant hand. #golfswing #swinglikeanathlete | Milo Lines
40K views · 1.4K reactions | I came across this old clip of me explaining the roll of the right arm (or trail arm) through the ball. For many students I work with the trail arm wants to power hard from the top and reaches full length far too soon. I’d much prefer see the full system driving the motion from the top as the trail arm gets transported into the hitting area where it then can act in more of a throwing motion. Much like the old “skipping a rock”, although the movement patterns aren’t exactly the same. Learn how the right hand, wrist, and arm couples with the pivot and you’ll own a better golf swing! After all, for most of you, that’s your dominant hand. #golfswing #swinglikeanathlete | Milo Lines | Kensun · High Noon