
Bird Island: Zero Energy Home in Kuala Lumpur
Bird Island: Zero Energy Home in Kuala Lumpur. Bird Island is a stunning urban renewal project that is currently being developed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Designed by Graft Lab architects for the YTL Green Home Competition, the project comprises a zero energy home made of sustainably-sourced silicone glass fabric.
Vertical Urban Farm. However, people would live in shipping containers. Now if they removed half of the residences... and made them twice as big... you might have something.
Gallery of Winners of Habitat for Humanity's Sustainable Home Design Competition - 16
Brilliant: #Sustainability Section | #Sustainable Architecture |
Lisbon Stone Block - Picture gallery 24
Lisbon Stone Block, Portugal | Souza Oliveira Arquitectura e Urbanismo
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Natural light and privacy. The best of both worlds. JEMS Architekci
Today's archidose #757
FRAC Dunkerque by frank formsache, via Flickr
Gallery of Busan Opera House Winning Proposal / Snøhetta - 7
Busan Opera House Winning Proposal (6)