
98 Pins
Vent Gleet in Chickens: Identify, Causes, Treatment & Prevention
Vent Gleet in Chickens: Identify, Causes, Treatment & Prevention
Vent Gleet in Chickens: Identify, Causes, Treatment & Prevention
Vent Gleet in Chickens: Identify, Causes, Treatment & Prevention
Our Chicken Coop Tour
Chicken roosting bars with a dropping board. Plus check out a tour of our chicken coop!
How To Tame Chickens from the Start​
Many chicken keepers these days have friendly, tame flocks of birds they consider to be their pets. Who knew chickens could be such docile creatures? But, have they always been that way? Were they friendly from the day they hatched? Nope! It all depends on how the owner raises them. Taming chickens isn't very hard, but it does require persistence and patience. So how do you get your flock to be affectionate, lap loving sweeties? The answers lie inside!
Foods Chickens Can Eat (And What They Can't) - The Novice Homestead | Backyard chicken farming, Chickens backyard, Chicken coop
Flora Luna Farm ~ Inside chicken coop
Media added by JMarieEclectically | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens