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Team a patterned wallpaper in a soft shade with a darker toning paint colour for a hallway with impact. Box shelving is an easy and stylish storage solution. Photography: Mark Scott. Find more hallway ideas at housebeautiful.co.uk
PAX wardrobes aren't just for the bedroom. They also provide convenient storage in the hallway!
Inspiring Homes: Alvhem Mäkleri
Via Nordic Days | Inspiring Alvhem Home www.nordicdays.nl
Inspiring Homes: Alvhem Mäkleri
love this to replace the built-ins. Via Nordic Days | Inspiring Alvhem Home www.nordicdays.nl
10 Best hybrid furniture pieces to add to your home
Loungebankje... Evt namaken met open kallax kast van ikea (40€) en mooie houten plank erop om schoenen ea in op te bergen