
21 Pins
Pinner said: "I added the leaves during a rainy downpour this morning. I'm listening to an audiobook, the nourishing rain, and I'm painting with joy! A lovely day without sunshine. "
Coco Tiger Fabric, Pink
Swedish pattern designer, Lisa Bengtsson, invites you into an exciting world of bold color and whimsical designs. Available at The Pattern Collective.
New: Grow House Grow Tiles + Wallpaper
Katie Deedy (Grow House Grow) 2015 collection http://growhousegrow.com/product-category/wallpaper/codex-collection/
the dandelion pattern - Maria Khersonets
www.lab333.com www.facebook.com/pages/LAB-STYLE/585086788169863 http://www.lab333style.com https://instagram.com/lab_333 http://lablikes.tumblr.com www.pinterest.com/labstyle
Céli Lee (mint)
Celi Lee. See Pattern pictures on Samsung Galaxy S6 Case, click to http://www.zazzle.com/cuteiphone6cases/samsung+galaxy+s6+cases?dp=252670805362191854&cg=196057307371241302&ps=120&rf=238478323816001889 #PatternSamsungGalaxyS6Case #SamsungGalaxyS6Case #SamsungGalaxyS6
"abstract pattern" iPhone Case for Sale by Tanor
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