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Midsommar i Smara
Strawberry whipped cream cake! When it is a party its all in with delicious goodies and sweets! No holding back!
Bind en vacker midsommarkrans med vår enkla guide
DIY: 7 guides that show you how you easily make your own beautiful midsummer garland with fresh flowers. But if it still seams too hard to do we have ready mades in our store, and they don´t need watering either #midsummer #garland
Hagalunds Foto
Midsummer's Eve in Tylösand, Halmstad, Sweden. Would still like to attend a midsummer's eve in Sweden.
Midsommarhelgen är snart här! (GOURMETMORSAN)
Midsommarhelgen är snart här!
Bästa buffén till midsommar – 11 goda recept
Sill och strömming, primörer och grillat – och så en jordgubbsdessert som ingen kan motstå
A short and pretty guide to celebrating Midsummer, Swedish style
A guide to celebrating Midsummer, Swedish style
♥ Fyra årstider - mitt liv på landet
Summer, cupcakes, flowers.... lovely....
Try Swedish
Sju sorters blommor lägges under kudden midsommar natt och den man drömmer om kommer du att gifta dig med..
Potatissallad med Kålrabbi och Dill (Kohlrabi Potato Salad)
Dill-and-new-potato salad is an iconic summer food in Sweden. In this version, sautéed kohlrabi, fresh dill, and boiled potatoes are warmed in melted butter to make a simple side dish that’s perfect for picnics and backyard barbecues.
Magical Midsummer's Eve: Elderflower and Strawberry Cordial/Syrup
Lavender and Lovage | Magical Midsummer’s Eve: Elderflower and Strawberry Cordial/Syrup | http://www.lavenderandlovage.com
Maypole at Midsummer
Midsummer - Midsummer / AND May Day (May 1st) the ribbons represent the flag -- this one is Swedish -- the 2 wreaths hang on the T shape pole -- w/vines & flowers wrapped around it all -- There's a ribbon winding around to music with Folk in National Costumes from their regions.