
This is some cool picks of pickguns. These are very practical if you want to open a lock quickly...
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Teaching Resources & Lesson Plans | Teachers Pay Teachers
12 printable alphabet literacy centers for Pre-K and Kindergarten.
Anchor Charts for Writing
Revising and Editing Anchor Chart -- might use real cups with different colors of markers per cup. student uses marker from cup to mark only those corrections. switches cup and marker color and marks next set of corrections, etc.
Using Evernote in the classroom. Is it sad I've learned more from Pinterest about technology in the classroom than I have from any continuing education?!
Free Similes Book Activity
Are you teaching similes, metaphors, figurative language, animal sayings, and/or idioms? A popular picture book of mine is Crazy Like a Fox: A Simile Story...after reading the book, this FREE slideshow reviews the similes in the story. Photographs of the real things referenced by the similes (a herd of elephants and so on) help kids see what the comparison is all about!
Don't Get Zapped! This game was made for first graders, but could oh so easily be adapted for older students with multiplication, division, decimals and more.
Search Results for “Melted snowman” – Project Oriented
Write what caused my snowman to melt. Cause/Effect