
10 Pins
Purple Power Up Smoothie
Purple Power Up Smoothie - A delicious blend of red cabbage, berries and grapes. This healthy smoothie is full of healthy fruits and vegetables to get the day started the right way!
The Anti-Bloat Smoothie
Bloated? This Anti-Bloat Smoothie helps fight bloating and keep your stomach flat! A great healthy smoothie that helps with digestion and is also naturally anti-inflammatory.
The Anti-Bloat Smoothie
Bloated? This Anti-Bloat Smoothie helps fight bloating and keep your stomach flat! A great healthy smoothie that helps with digestion and is also naturally anti-inflammatory.
Miracle Salve Recipe with Free Printable Labels
Miracle Salve Recipe for Hands, Face & Body (great for eczema!) from Primally Inspired
detox water - helps you maintain a flat belly, 2 lemons, 1/2 cucumber, 10-12 mint leaves, and 3qts water fuse overnight to create a natural detox, helping to flush impurities out of your system.
Swimsuit Slim Down
Dr. Oz's Swimsuit Slimdown Drink-1 cup grapefruit juice, 2tsp apple cider vineger, 1tsp honey drink before each meal ... breaks down fat cells faster than anything else.