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how to make bass treble and volume controller circuit:
This is a bass treble controller circuit. this circuit needs to control the sound quality. every amplifier needs this circuit to control the bass and to control the treble. There is no pre-amplifier in this circuit. if we use a pre-amplifier then it will be good. it’s a mono circuit. if we need stereo then we have to use 2 circuits to make stereo. if we don’t use this circuit for our amplifier then we will get raw sound. that sound will be not good to hear.
(2) 子供に教える個人衛生||賢い子育てガイド - YouTube
Amplificador estéreo de 60w con el circuito integrado TDA2050
CONSTRUYA SU VIDEOROCKOLA.COM > Amplificador de 60w con TDA2050 (parte 2)
Simple Light Dimmer / Fan regulator or dimmer with BT 136
Simple Light Dimmer / Fan regulator or dimmer with BT 136 - YouTube
How to attach a Potentiometer to a micro:bit
How to attach a Potentiometer to a micro:bit -
Como conectar un potenciometro para variar voltaje
Como conectar un potenciometro para variar voltaje.
220v to 12v without transformer
Простейший бестрансформаторный источник питания для светодиодной матрицы своими руками
78xx series 1Amp Voltage Regulator IC : Tutorial 11
Tutorial 11: 78xx series 1Amp Voltage Regulator IC (engg projects with PRAVEEN DEHARI in hindi) - YouTube
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Circuit AmpCircuit Amplified using 2SC5200 x 28lified using 2SC5200 x 28