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CastCNC (loads of pictures) - Page 9
Planning - CNC router, laser cutter, or something?
Planning CNC router, laser cutter, or something? - Page 4 - Forums
Arduino Controlled CNC / 3D Printer Hybrid
Arduino CNC 3D Printer
Review: Printrbot Crawlbot Changes Everything About Large CNC Routing
Printrbot's Crawlbot revolutionizes CNC by making your material the table—a small machine with huge capabilities at a fraction of the cost.
5AxisMaker - First Affordable 5-axis 3D Printer & Multi-fabricator Launches On Kickstarter Tomorrow - | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing
5AxisMaker – 1st Affordable 5-axis 3D Printer & Multi-fabricator Launches Kickstarter Tomorrow
5 Axis CNC Plastic Cutting Router "The CutaRouterer" - Page 6
5 Axis CNC Plastic Cutting Router "The CutaRouterer" - Page 8
Probotix - What is Dalton working on? | Facebook