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Château St-Marcel de Félines on Instagram: "La timidité, en botanique, est un phénomène par lequel certains arbres maintiennent entre eux une certaine distance, appelée « fente de timidité », typiquement entre 10 et 50 cm. Ce comportement, encore mal connu de nos jours, pourrait être interprété comme un moyen de laisser la lumière mieux pénétrer la forêt, tout en apportant peut-être un avantage sélectif et évolutif face aux parasites et aux maladies contagieuses des arbres. Crédit photo : Al
Paul Nicklen on Instagram: "Gentoo penguins race towards the shore as they prepare to leap from the sea and walk back to their awaiting partner and chicks. After a day feeding at sea, their bellies are full of red lobster krill. They feed both of their chicks and then swap places with their partner who then heads out to sea. With @sea_legacy and @cristinamittermeier"
Natural History Museum on Instagram: "A #FossilFriday from Colorado in the form of a well preserved 34 million year old wasp of the genus Palaeovespa. The Florissant Formation in which it was found is famed for its exceptional fossils of insects and plants dating to the late Eocene. #FossilFriday #Palaeovespa #FossilWasp #Wasp #Fossil #Palaeontology #Paleontology #NaturalHistory #NaturalHistoryMuseum #NaturalHistoryMuseumLondon #Museum"