That moment!

97 Pins
Esta foto eh da autoria do fotografo Garafofo Jack / Trata-se do ator Alain Delon em Veneza no ano de 1962 e a fonte eh a GETTY IMAGES. nao eh da autoria do fotografo Robert Doisneau como eu havia publicado anteriormente. Informacao da estudiosa e amiga D Lind que me fez a correcao. @52I25
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
The last kiss, a picture from World War II…this is beautiful/heartbreaking
Welcome home Daddy! Soldier returns from Afghanistan to meet baby daughter for the first time
Oh, my heart. <3 Original source: Operation Love Reunited. Photographer credit: | The official home for all things Disney
The friendship between a man and his dog ...
that moment when you just can't hold it in anymore and you burst out laughing. Seams familiar.
When the officiant says, “kiss the bride” the maid of honor and best man pull the string and petals fall.
this picture kills me.. the love of a father for his daughter.. so endearing. wedding-wedding-wedding